Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New to Me: Toasted Flax Seeds

I was at Trader Joe's last week, and I picked up a bag of Trader Joe's Toasted Flax Seeds.  I figured I would be able to put them on my oatmeal in the mornings to get the extra boost of fiber and healthy flax seed oil.

I tasted them out of the bag and was surprised that I actually like the flavor.  They have a light nutty taste and are not at all overwhelming.

Since then, I have found myself sprinkling them on a lot of things!  There are only 4 carbs in 2 Tablespoons (which is a huge amount), and also 4 grams of fiber.

Here is an article from WebMD telling you how great flax seeds are for you.
Tonight I made the Keema Indian Beef  recipe I that  posted a few weeks ago.  I sprinkled a tablespoon of them on the beef and brown rice for an added 2 grams of fiber and some healthy flax seed oil.  It is delicious!

I think I may sprinkle some on my ice cream too!


  1. Make sure your flax seeds are grounded up AND stored in the frig or they do nothing for you!! Also you can not cook with flax oil. It can never get hot or it looses its nutritional value.

  2. Thanks for the info, Jill! I will start grinding them in my blender, as I am sure that when I eat them they are not all getting chewed up!

    They should put that information on the bag!

  3. It is essential that people know to grind the flax seeds before consuming them. I downloaded the muffin recipe. Thanks for the information.
