Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New to Me: Sparx Candy

I just picked up a tube of Sparx Candy at the neighborhood grocery store.  These sweet, fruit flavored little tic-tac type candies taste like they are loaded with sugar, but are actually made almost entirely of xylitol and natural fruit flavorings.

I cannot seem to find nutritional information on the anywhere, including on the Sparx website.

They will satisfy any craving you have for hard candy.  They come in Berry, Citrus, and Fruit flavors.  

1 comment:

  1. Candice-
    i love your blog. You have some great ideas and suggestions. i am happy for your success. I was excited to see that you live in Ann Arbor as i live in Northville. i was wondering where you found the Sparx candy. i haven't located it yet. thanks for the help-Ruth
    ps-this is the first time i have ever commented on a blog. my email is bella422@ameritech.net
